
This faucet is sending intentionally a random small amount.

Current balance

Please recycle

When done testing with the testnet4 coins, please return them to any of the following addresses:

Testnet4 info

WIP, see Pull request #29775 on bitcoin/bitcoin Github.


The more you try here, the less you get in the long run. Each IP address that tries (even unsuccessfully, like with the same testnet Bitcoin address) is recorded for some time and while it is recorded, it will not get any sats. Also used Bitcoin testnet addresses have to be random fresh ones. Rule of thumb to get any sats after an unsuccessful try: Wait for a week to pass and try again. Do not rather try again before that. Trying may turn out to be expensive for you. This server is running free of charge with minimal CPU frequency and no number of tries make it sweat. It will rather do everything slowly.

Git repository

Originally inspired and SWAG-reused from bitcoin-faucet.

The repository of this POSIX-shell static-HTML reimplementation is hosted on GitHub.